What is the Future of Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence

Before thinking about AI’s future, we must understand what AI is and what its applications are. By definition, AI, or Artificial Intelligence as its name suggests mimicking human intelligence or behavior. AI is encompassing various subsets of relevant or associated technologies. The following chart explains it in a nutshell.

Subsets of AI Associated Technologies

It means different subsets for different purposes or goals in AI. Therefore, we can see a wide diversity in AI applications in the following chart.

AI Applications

Technically, we can divide AI applications into three main criteria, such as cognitive science-based applications, robotic applications, and natural interface-based applications.It means we have to deal with a vast array of applications under the hood of AI and associated technologies.

Future of AI Applications

At present, AI has established itself as an inevitable and upcoming trend of technologies with a commendable maturity and adaptability. Some apparent applications already are functioning well while prospects for upcoming applications are bright to say. Let’s explore what is coming in the future of AI.

Tomorrow We Would Have More Advanced AI-powered Digital/Virtual Assistants than Today

Initially, Apple has sort listed voice recognition applications and integrated it in the iOS ecosystem, calling it Siri. Amazon followed it with Alexa and Microsoft as well as Google with their contributions in the niche. It has triggered the popularity of AI assistants, and now the market is experiencing something highly advanced applications with integration of IoT and other relevant technologies to make everything smarter than ever.

The next thing is voice-enabled the search.Mobile devices favor it a lot due to convenience comes with it. AI-powered voice search delivers something more than a list in answer and offers exclusively personal and accurate search results than you can hardly imagine with textual queries from a search engine.

Giant ecommerce brands are following the trends and integrating in-site search engine with AI capabilities to provide even better results with voice search than existing advanced search with textual inputs.

Ava from Auto desk is capable of delivering precise virtual assistant services. It helps shoppers to find the product,assists in the checkout process, pinpoints right payment gateways, and guide on post-purchase services just like a human can do on voice calls.

Better Conversational Tools with AI

A chatbot is an AI-powered live chat application provide the smart chat user interface and chat engine to help in myriads of tasks. Chatbot enables you to provide round-the-clock support in highly sophisticated ways. AI-powered communication tools cut dependencies on human resources for support & maintenance services.

Furthermore, Chatbot like applications can bring a high volume of traffic to your business right from social media network without redirecting them to your website or mobile app. Such non-intrusive and powerful social media chats help marketers a lot.

AI Miracles in Job Market

The job market has two main components, one is recruiters, and another is applicants. AI can extend helping hands to both ends. My a-My recruiting Assistant- is a Chatbot integration powered with AI engine. It helps HRM staff to established automated answering machine to address queries from applicants. It can deal with text messages, instant messages, email, and other communication channels.

It helps the recruitment team to accomplish initial round with desired automation and precisions. It screens the candidate based on communication and other screening tools. Thus, the Big Data process becomes easy for a company receiving plenty of applications at a time.

AI also helps the candidates using services from job placement agencies. Based on bio-data and direct conversations with registrants, job agency can guide candidates up front to acquire trendy skill sand educational qualification. Prediction engine helps candidates to chart a smart career path and also guide them to apply in certain companies that can meet their needs in the long run.

AI Can Superpower Healthcare Services

Artificial Intelligence can help the healthcare industry by providing different categories of services, such as

  1. Patient-facing applications
  2. Doctor-facing applications
  3. Telehealth application
  4. Clinical research applications


  • AI Chatbot
  • Wearable app
  • Personalized genetics
  • Mental health
  • Women’s health
  • Skin


  • Medical records
  • Medical imaging
  • Data analytics
  • Hospital


  • Telemedicine
  • Disease management
  • Lifestyle management

Clinical research

  • Information gathering
  • Clinical trials
  • Drug discovery
  • Genetic research

These are exemplary applications and categories that can use AI capacities to change the entire scenario of healthcare services. Now, patients can get accurate and dependable services. Doctors have data ready for a patient before it arrives for physical examination. AI engine also helps doctors in prescription as well as locate the medicines available in the vicinity. Research has ease in dealing with Big Data analysis and extracting results with AI tools. Similarly, AI tools help in Telehealth services by bringing historical data of a patient in front of the remote doctor and suggesting a diagnosis, tests, and treatments.

Another chapter is surgery and education, where AI with AR and relevant technologies help surgeons to carry operations with highly sophisticated tools like a laser without an incision in the body or parts. For education, AI can create AR models and display real-time information for students and emergency service attendants.

AI Can Change Marketing

For physical stores, logistics and distribution networks become a headache when a business is expanding its tentacles across the regions and up to the global level. Robots in the warehouse are not a new phenomenon, and increase presence indicates the use of AI in robotics. Intelligent robots also act as a sales force in malls and supermarkets to guide visitors and convince them to buy more.

For ecommerce, drones are gaining ground thanks to initiations taken by Amazon. AI capable drones are an excellent way to make delivery on time and with cost-efficiencies. AI-based prediction engines help businesses to invest in the proper inventory and also forecast holiday sales or event-oriented sales in your locality.

AI helps ecommerce to gain more revenue by their commendation engine. It increases AOV by offering the right products based on previous purchase data of a customer. AI also helps marketers to provide various marketing incentives in highly personalized and contextual manners.

Finally, AI extends its offerings in advertisement campaigns run by marketers with its prediction modules. Online ads are the best examples of it. Using the past data, the AI engine suggests keywords, prices, and bid parameters to gain the maximum value for your campaigns.

Who Can Help You to Bring AI-powered Application on the Table for Your Next Idea?

It demands a highly experienced and expert software development team to deal effectively with AI-based application development. SysBunny has gained the capacity to provide highly sophisticated applications using the latest AI technologies. Would you like to exchange a few words on your idea or next project with the team at SysBunny?

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