Technology has influenced our lives in various ways and one such way is through mobile devices as they have been widely used in all industries by individuals and there is more in store for the upcoming years. Every day thousands of applications are designed and launched so that users can find something that caters to their needs.
Gradually, mobile applications have been adopted in various fields business being one of the main fields that is reaping the benefits of this. Since then entrepreneurs come up with mobile app ideas and they usually wish to add everything in the first version itself. It is difficult for the designers to incorporate multiple features in one go as it is important to evaluate the outcomes of the implementations and make changes accordingly.
For the principal adaptation of your mobile application, you ought to consistently build up the main highlights that will cater to the requirements as and when needed and updating it in the application thereby. If you attempt to incorporate all the highlights initially itself, you’re bound to face at least one of the accompanying obstructions.
The expense is probably going to be way more than your actual spending plan. Just to add more features you will incorporate something that is possibly not so useful for the user. Your application’s a great opportunity to-market will be extended pointlessly and you may pass up on a chance. You may wind up propelling premium highlights that you could have adapted.
These reasons demonstrate why you should organize highlights before the Mobile Application Development process begins. The best and demonstrated approach to organizing features according to the requirement is to begin by understanding the reason for building the mobile application.
1.Figure out the purpose of building the Mobile App
During the initial stages of your Mobile App Project, it is important to create a Product Requirement Document wherein you can list the things that you need and in which way do you want it to be incorporated so that it becomes easier when you have to explain it to the designer. This also allows you to understand the main reason of creating the app so that there is clarity of thoughts before inception.
If writing a product prerequisite sounds excessively tedious to you, simply start with posing yourself this inquiry:
What do I need my versatile application to do?
Simply by posing this question to yourself, you shall figure out the principle issue you’re attempting to determine. What’s more, this activity will further assist you with setting up a solid vision of your mobile application, set clear objectives and specific achievement milestones.
For instance, you plan to design a Mobile Application that provides Healthcare services, you’ve recognized that patients generally need to wait for long durations to plan their meeting with the specialist. In this way, you intend to solve this issue using a mobile application that enables patients to book these appointments without having to call the receptionist multiple times in order to check for the doctor’s availability.
Hence the fundamental reason for your mobile application is identified. The mobile application is a medium to book doctor’s appointment. When you have characterized the primary reason behind the mobile application thought, the following stage is to organize the highlights.
2. How to Prioritize Features of Your Mobile App?
In order to appropriately organize highlights for the main adaptation of your mobile application, you’ll have to adopt an intelligent strategy.
For example, the objective of the main adaptation of any mobile application is to test the idea in a genuine market. Get input from early-adopters and incorporate new highlights dependent on the input. That progression will assist you with distinguishing the main highlights of your mobile application.
For your mobile application thought, it’s basic to put in adequate effort to conceptualize and make a list of the considerable number of highlights you need to incorporate. This is necessary to distinguish between the most important highlights and the ones that are secondary requirements, giving the designer a clear idea of what to incorporate.
Take a pad and pen and list out the completely necessary features, significant but not necessary in the First Version sort of features, nice to have features. Once you figure out these three classifications you can take a look at the necessity of the application and thereafter finally decide which features to have and when.
Now, let us understand each of these highlights in detail that would help you while listing out the necessary highlights for the application.
Completely Necessary Features
In this class, record the highlights that are important to dispatch your mobile application. Pose the accompanying enquiries to sift through totally essential highlights. Does this component explain the important objective of clients and solve the most significant issue? Is the component in arrangement with the primary target of my mobile application? Would it be advisable for you to spare this component from the initial version or is it very important?
Responding to the above questions will assist you with choosing whether a specific component is a central element for the application or not.
Significant but not necessary in the First Version
In this class, list down every one of the highlights that you believe are significant and check if it is required for the following variant of your mobile application.
For instance, when you dispatch the primary form of your mobile application after building completely essential highlights and get positive input from early adopters, you would then be able to include these significant highlights in the following rendition.
Actually, you can introduce these significant highlights as premium highlights and adapt them to gain cash. Nonetheless, in case you’re going to utilize these significant highlights as premium highlights, ensure that they upgrade the essential usefulness of your versatile application, make your portable application much increasingly helpful to utilize, and clients are happy to pay for it.
If an element meets every one of the three previously mentioned criteria, at that point just you ought to consider to include it as a top notch highlight. In the event that they don’t meet each of the three criteria, at that point you ought to likewise include them in the following form of your versatile application, yet as a free redesign.
In case a specific component is probably going to improve the essential usefulness of your portable application and will likewise make your versatile significantly increasingly helpful to utilize, however in the event that the clients aren’t willing to pay for it, at that point you should in any case include them as a free redesign.
Now, you’re probably going to get confounded whether to include a particular element as a top notch highlight or a free overhaul. At the point when that occurs, it’s savvy to connect with a portable application improvement organization to clear the perplexity.
Keep in mind, settling on premium element and a free update is critical, so don’t stop for a second to look for help from experts.
Cool or Nice-to-Have Features
As the classification’s name recommends, these are all the extra highlights of the all highlights list.
Keep in mind, it isn’t important to include all the remaining highlights in you versatile application. Despite everything you have to evaluate every remaining element whether it will increase the value of portable application or not.
Thus, take each residual element and figure whether it will give some an incentive to your clients or not.
If the feature doesn’t contribute any worth, dispose-off the element altogether. The appropriate response is two-section. Initially, mobile applications packed with numerous highlights make it hard to understand how to utilize it. Besides, such a large number of highlights in a portable application make clients uninstall the application and proceed onward to the following in the App Store.
Hence before adding every pleasant to-have highlight, you have to ensure that a specific decent to-have include gives some sort of significant worth to your clients and it doesn’t make the application hard to comprehend or utilize.